Anastasia Mihaylova

Medium: Photography

Censored by: Instagram

Reason given: Adult Sexual solicitation

What date were you censored?: 10/03/2021

Was there notification of removal and if so was a reason given?: Adult Sexual solicitation

Was there the opportunity to appeal? If so, did you appeal and what was the response?: Was, but they deleted again. Then I applied to an independent court and the application was not even considered

What, if any, were the consequences of the removal for you? Please give details.: I have two accounts deleted. I have always censored all my works and censored even where there was nothing to censor. Just for fear of being deleted again. And despite the observance of all their rules, my page was deleted. I lost all my clients and connections with people.

Comments: Neither in spite of the observance of all the rules of Instagram, nor in spite of the fact that I censored all my works beyond recognition, two of my accounts were deleted. And on these accounts, many of my works were deleted. Therefore, if you take any photo from my site, it was deleted by instagram. I am an Art Nude photographer and with my photographs help people accept themselves, show the beauty of the human body and soul through the fusion of a person with nature and there is no sexual connotation in my photographs. Nevertheless, Instagram deleted several of my profiles and labeled my work as "porn and sexual harassment." Photos with a human eye, cat paws, and so on were also deleted. That shows the fundamentally incorrect work of the Instagram Algorithm. So we created a petition against deleting artists from Instagram:

Artist Website:

Artist Instagram: @mihaylova_jpg2


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