Heather M

Medium: Photography, digital art

Censored by: Instagram

Was there a notification of removal and if so what was the reason given?: "We removed your post because it doesn't follow our Community Guidelines on nudity or pornography."

What date were you censored?: April 18, 2019

Were you given an opportunity to appeal? If so, did you appeal and what was the response?: I have had posts removed and deleted nearly every year since 2015 on my Instagram account. I chose not to appeal in most cases, due to the absence of response from Instagram and their failure to take artistic nudity and healthy discussions of sexuality into account and context.

What have the consequences been for you because of this removal? Please describe in best detail.: In the past 2-3 years, I have actively stopped using Instagram (and other social media) as a platform to publish and promote my art. My account has been shadowbanned on a regular basis, threatened with suspension, and many of my posts do not appear in the "Explore" section despite using custom hashtags to describe and to aid with searchability. As a result, I do not reach any new followers, I barely reach my current followers, and my visibility feels non-existent. I feel disempowered and unable to post art that speaks to my own voice and experience without fear of removal. After investing nearly 10 years on Instagram to build a diverse following an extensive portfolio, it is demoralizing to have my artwork censored and erased in one fell swoop by anonymous AI and biased algorithms, without any means of recourse.

Please write additional comments: I feel like there are very few safe spaces remaining for art that challenges norms, provokes thought, and disrupts prevailing systems. Big tech is shaping the ideas, images, and information we consume with unchecked impunity. Artists, women, LGBTQ+ folks, and other marginalized groups suffer the most from these inequitable, and deliberately ambiguous, policies. Creativity is arbitrarily censored. Female forms are overtly sexualized. Non-conforming bodies are routinely policed. And, nudity equates to pornography. Without demanding more clear, equitable, and inclusive policies and guidelines from these social media giants who are quickly eclipsing all other forms of media and communication, censorship will come for us all. Thank you to everyone at Don’t Delete Art for amplifying this message and taking a stand.

Your website: http://www.thefemmeproject.com

Your Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thefemmeproject/


Lucie Nechanicka


Liza Shkirando