Jill Goldman-Callahan

Medium: graphite drawing

Censored by: META: Facebook, Instagram and What's AP

Was there a notification of removal and if so what was the reason given?: My drawing depicted a target with a silhouette of a child's profile and an image of a teen wearing a teeshirt with a target.

I was a public school teacher for 21 years. I wrote under the drawing that I was scared everyday of dying in a school shooting.

I was told that I had posted an image in the genre of child sexual exploitation violating community standards by Facebook.

i believe either a computer or a person with no symbolic understanding closed my account.

My Facebook, Instagram and What's AP accounts were closed the next day and are unrecoverable.

I am unable to open any new account due to facial ID, IP address, Router info, etc.

Either this happened, or someone posted child porn on my account I never saw the post and they never offered to show it to me but the timing was very close.

What date were you censored?: 7/22/1022

Were you given an opportunity to appeal? If so, did you appeal and what was the response?: I had no response at all to my appeal. There was no one to write to to explain.

What have the consequences been for you because of this removal? Please describe in best detail.: Loss of social contacts across my entire life span of sixty years

Loss of 15 years of family photos

Inability to know about funerals, deaths, births and major life events from my social circles

Inability to join FB groups for classes that I attend

Loss of business contacts, ie galleries, corporate art, etc.

Inability to advertise my art openings on social media

Loss of artist networking opportunities

Loss of sharing contact and vetting info in a way that is used by most of society

I am left out of many conversations

All this gives me feeling of being left out, depression, aloneness, frustration that there is no person to appeal to

Please write additional comments: Thanks for doing this, I hope it helps.

I feel I was grossly misunderstood by a machine within a corporate system.

I strongly agree with the need to ban child pornography.

What I drew is social protest art against child violence.

My META banning is painfully ironic.

Your website: https://www.jillgoldman-callahanstudio.com/

Your Instagram: http://Banned

Meta/Facebook: http://Banned


Guillem March


Pauline Goyard