John Sheridan

Medium: sculpture

Censored by: Facebook

Was there a notification of removal and if so what was the reason given?: Not from Fascistbook. Someone in an art group I posted the work to, with the heading 'To all war-mongers: Go to Hell!' complained directly to Fascistbook. Fascistbook in turn threatened the grou's administrator that Fascistbook would take THE ENTIRE GROUP DOWN, if they did not immediately remove my work! No appeal, no reason. Clear Fascistbook is out of control and an enemy of free speech. Being anti-war is somehow censorable now.

What date were you censored?: 3/12/2022

Were you given an opportunity to appeal? If so, did you appeal and what was the response?: No, the group itself was threatened, with no appeal. I certainly had none.

What have the consequences been for you because of this removal? Please describe in best detail.: My complete contempt for Fascistbook for one. And for the cowardly creep who complained anonymously.

Please write additional comments:

Your website:

Your Instagram: http://johnsheridanart

Your Tik Tok: http://youareidiotsidonthaveatiktockaccount

Your Twitter: http://JohnSherArt4109


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