
Medium: Digital paintings / Digital painting using photographs which have been altered, reworked, overpainted

Censored by: Instagram

Was there a notification of removal or downranking, and if so what was the reason given?: First Event: I received a notification and the subsequent downranking was based on nudity and sexually explicit or suggestive content which Instagram said violated their guidelines. No further explanation was given. Second Event: I received a notification informing me that my account could no longer be shown to non-followers because a series of five paintings posted on June 4, 2024 violated Instagram’s guidelines relative to sexually explicit or suggestive content.

What date was your artwork removed or downranked?: First Event: 12/23/2021 Second Event: June 04, 2024

Were you given an opportunity to appeal? If so, did you appeal, and if so, what was the response?: First Event: Yes, I was given the opportunity to appeal. The response once again deemed my work as violating community guidelines: explicit nudity and sexually explicit and/or suggestive content Second Event: Yes, I was given the opportunity to appeal. I did so a total of three times and Instagram’s decision remained the same. I was giv en the option of editing my work or deleting the image - I did neither the former not the latter.

What consequences have you faced as a result of the downranking or removal? Please describe in detail: First Event: After the first downranking a lot of my work was shadowbanned and my range was drastically reduced. This was very frustrating, demotivating and irritating because Instagrams guidelines regarding nudity and sexually explicit and suggestive content are diffuse. It is very unclear which kind of nudity and sexually explicit/suggestive content is acceptable since Instagram is flooded with images of women who are sexually very implicit despite their being clothed. Second Event: As a result of the second downranking in June 2024 my account no longer appears in places like explore, search, suggested users, reels, and feed recommendation. My range, as seen by the insights already being minimal, has become even less; it has been reduced to my followers and not even to all of them. When I search my main account »nanettedeidreconsovoy«, using someone elses account for example, I must type out the entire account name; prior to this my account name appeared after »nane ... «. Also, when I view my own stories my account name appears under spam. Many of my posts are not listed under the hashtags used with the image; this applies as well to very specific hashtags such as »textalskörper« where, with the exception of one image, all the previewed images are mine.

Please write any additional comments: First Event: The work depicted is a digital painting using photographs taken by me and of myself. In the image the nipples are blurred: one is covered with an eye and the other one is shaded. The image shows two bodies sitting next to each other and both bodies are mine. After this first downranking I wanted to have the decision reevaluated through the Oversight Board — which Instagram suggested was possible. The reference number given to me from Instagram and which was needed to start the appeal with the Oversight Board was invalid and although I wrote to Instagram many times informing them of this I received no answer. I could not start the appeal. Second Event: The work involved is a series of five images all showing a woman resting with her hand on her stomach. In two of the five images there are two hands; both hands belong to the woman depicted. There is no sexual activity and I see no, nor did I intend, anything sexually suggestive. A body — a naked body — is not offensive, nor should it be censored. »Dont Delete Art« shows two of these five images.


Instagram: and


Michael Dietsch


Alisa Sokolov