This page showcases artwork which has been removed or restricted online. It is part of a campaign dedicated to free speech and human rights. Don’t Delete Art calls on social media platforms and other internet infrastructure companies to follow a set of principles that would allow art to circulate freely online. Our site offers resources helping artists to work around restrictive community guidelines and assisting them when appealing wrongful removals or suppression. If you would like to submit work for our curatorial team to consider, click the box below.
Featured Artists
Click on the image to read about each artist’s experience with censorship online.

Dread Scott

Andy Lime

Romain Berger

Julia Buruleva

Anxo Ma

Anna Lipsane

Alyssa Aleksanian

Roxanne Huber

Daniel Hill

Fergus Cooper

Jessa Fairbrother


John Sheridan

Ahmet Alim Yilmaz

Robert Flynt

Cesar Cordova

Justyna Neryng

Maurice Mechan

Jodie Underwood

Matteo Piacenti

Kevin Bacher
Meltem Sahin

Sylvie Blum

Mike Balaban


Tiffany Cole


Emmanuel Svart

Red K Elders

Iness Rychlik

Takako Kido

Jenni Belotserkovsky

Tomer Haruvi

Isis Rodriguez

Virginia Brocki

Shelagh Howard

Katie Bellini

Spencer Tunick

Milena Guberinic
Candelaria Deferrari

Clarity Haynes

Carlos Fentanes

Manuela Benaim

Robert Andy Coombs

Bri Cirel

Sophie Budge

Anastasia Mihaylova

Dayana Ruiz

Maria Cristina Cerminara

Annata Bartos

Dana Mars

Muhammad Zeeshan

Lucie Nechanicka

Heather M

Liza Shkirando

Norm Yip

Michael Dietsch


Alisa Sokolov